

El 12mo Congreso Colombiano de Computación (12CCC), realizado en la ciudad de Cali entre el 19 y 22 de septiembre de 2017 contó con la participación de los docentes Diego Bermúdez, Jhon Edisson Villarreal y Luis Felipe Herrera quienes pertenecen al Grupo de Investigación Innovatic.

PONENCIA. Improving the Fault Tolerance in Multistage Interconnection Networks.

RESUMEN.  The high performance computing is a key component that drives the current society. In these systems the interconnection network is a key piece to obtain not only a high performance but also the highest level of fault-tolerance. Indirect topologies are often chosen in the design of HPC systems. Although there is an endless number of topologies, the most commonly used is the fat-tree. This paper presents a proposal for a new network topology that provides a high fault-tolerance level and the possibility of reducing the HoL blocking while increasing the network performance, using the same hardware as the fat-tree one.


Diego Bermúdez.

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