Los estudiantes Luis Mauricio Camacho Zarate, Juan Felipe Araque Vargas, Karin Liseth Gallego Puentes y la docente Jennifer Paola Corredor Gómez del Semillero en Agricultura de Precisión, participaron con una ponencia en el International Week of Research, Development and Innovation. Posteriormente, se hace una breve descripción de su participación en el evento.
PONENCIA. Automated Urban Garden.
RESEÑA. Since ancient times people have had their own urban orchards at home, over the years this has been left aside, due to the constant growth of the population, lack of time and the reduction of space in the urban area. The elaboration of the project «urban gardens», seeks to give life again to the orchards in homes, without needing a large space or high consumption of time. The orchard will be arranged vertically forming a «v» and initially will have a database of 4 types of plants which will be distributed in different beds taking into account the sectioning of each plant pot per plant facilitating the specific monitoring by each plant planted. The care, health and quality of the plant will be based on the database which will monitor the state, growth and development of each of the plants, also independently each plant will have an automated system of fertilizer and drip irrigation through programming and the use of pH and humidity sensors which, through different tests, were previously adjusted to the vital basic requirements of each plant, thus ensuring the health and optimum growth of the plant. In case of any inconvenience or when the plant must be removed from the plant pot, the user’s mobile device will be informed in advance by means of preventive alerts.
It will result in a fully automated, autonomous and sustainable orchard, which can be monitored from the cell phone, from a didactic application that allows the user to interact easily with his orchard.
Keywords. Sensors, Gardens, Programming, Automation, Sustainability.
PhD. Ing. Jennifer Paola Corredor Gómez.