Los investigadores Rodrigo Velasco (Universidad Piloto de Colombia) y Roland Hudson (Universidad de Los Andes), participaron con una ponencia en el evento denominado XXII CONFERENCIA INTERNACIONAL DE LA SOCIEDAD IBEROAMERICANA DE GRÁFICA DIGITAL-SIGRADI 2018, desarrollado del 7 al 9 de noviembre en las instalaciones de la Universidad de São Paulo-São Carlos, Brasil. Su ponencia se tituló «Thermal Comfort Clustering; Climate Classification in Colombia». A continuación, una breve reseña:
A climatic classification system that extends understanding of human comfort and guides the design of buildings to provide greater thermal comfort to occupants. We propose that using k-means clustering with multivariate climate data a classification system can be defined to objectively represent comfort zones in the tropics. Our study focuses on Colombia, but the approach extends to other countries located in the tropics.
Roodrigo Velasco